Activated as a B-26 Marauder medium bombardment squadron in mid-1943. Trained under Third Air Force and deployed to European Theater of Operations in March 1944. Initially being stationed in England and assigned to IX Bomber Command.
Engaged in tactical bombardment of enemy targets in Occupied Europe initially from stations in England, then after D-Day, moved to Advanced Landing Grounds in France and Belgium; advancing eastward as Allied ground forces advanced. Supported Eighth Air Force strategic bombardment missions over Nazi Germany and Occupied Europe; striking enemy airfields to obtain maximum interference in Luftwaffe day interceptor attacks on heavy bomber formations returning to England. Also participated in Western Allied Invasion of Germany, March–April 1945, combat ending with German Capitation in May 1945.
Became part of the United States Air Forces in Europe performing occupation duty in Germany while squadron demobilized personnel in 1945. Squadron reassigned to the United States as a paper unit, inactivated in February 1946.
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